viernes, 22 de agosto de 2014

Navarre under the French influence of the dinasty of Champagne.

Translation of part of an article published in Spanish: “Numismática Medieval de Navarra I. Gaceta Numismática 185; Junio 2013: pp. 25-56” 

Navarre under the French influence of the dinasty of Champagne.

After Sancho VII's death without issue, Theobald IV of Champagne inherited the crown as Theobald I of Navarre (1234-1253), this monarch modified substantially the typology of the Navarrese coins, changes that Theobald II, Henry I and Jeanne I maintained. The main modifications are the disappearance of the typical Aragonese-Pamplonese bust of the monarch in the obverse at the age of Sancho Ramírez, is replaced by a big cross. This is an important and significant change because curiously, the cross is an element absent in the coins of Sancho VII, it doesn't even appear at the beginning of the legends, exceptional fact in the Middle Age numismatics in Christian kingdoms. The reverse shows a typical castle, figure which derives from a comb shaped figure that use to appear in the coins from Champagne at that time (Pl. It) (Champ-Peigne/Champagne). Under the castle, a waxing moon and a star in the coins of Theobald I, and without the star in the Theobald II ones. The first drawing and description of a denier of Theobald II is made by Moret (1665) and copied by Yanguas y Miranda (1840), none of these authors explained to whom of the Theobald kings belong this piece.
Barthelemy (1847) published the drawing of a coin with obverse legend "TEBALD'REX", instead of the most common one "TIOBALD'REX", and in its reverse "+DE NAVARE" instead of "+DE NAVARIE", this peculiar coin was attributed to Theobald I. Curiously, the first "E" letter in the legend of the obverse is curved and the second one straight. This description and drawing have been copied from author to author (Poey d'Avant, 1860; Heiss, 1869; La Tour, 1899; Matéu y Llopis, 1946; Marín de la Salud, 1975; Gil Farrés, 1976; Álvarez Burgos et al., 1980). Theobald I's denier has already been described and correctly attributed by Vidal Quadras, 1892 (n. 5438), although this data was overlooked. Leyda (1986) and Crusafont & Balaguer (1986) rediscover this coin (deniers and obols), which show the same legend as his heir, even the representation of the letter "A" is similar to the one used in previous reigns, and in the reverse, over a waxing moon there is a six-pointed star, this image was inherited from the previous coins of Sancho VII (Fig. 1; Pl. Ia). Ibáñez et al., 1988, studies the epigraphic variations in the coins of Theobald I, Theobald II and Jeanne I, and García Retes, 1987, published two obols of this typology found in the "Túnel de San Adrián" (Guipúzcoa), as well as a denier of Sancho Ramírez, another one of Alfonso I, two deniers and eight obols of Sancho VI, four deniers and five obols of Sancho VII and several Castillian coins.

Figure 1: Coins of Theobald I, denier (a) and obol (b).

As we previously mentioned Theobald II's deniers (Fig. 2; Pl. Ib) were known at the age of Moret, 1665, and Poey d'Avant, 1860, published the denier and the obol, these descriptions were followed by later authors (Heiss, 1869; Matéu y Llopis,  1946; Álvarez Burgos et al., 1980; Jusué & Ramírez, 1987; Ibáñez et al., 1991; Ibáñez, 1990, 1993/94)

Figure 2: Coins of Theobald II, denier (a) and obol (b).

            During Theobald II’s reign (1253-1270) frequent changes of dies occurred, using ancient coins as blanks instead. As a consequence, curious hybrids legends were produced, one of them was interpreted by Barthelemy (1847) as a coin belonging to Theobald I, and this opinion was held for over a century even if there wasn’t any other coin with these characteristics. Some of these coins show a double minting in the obverse: ...CVS (Lvdovicvs?) with the same reverse as the ones of Theobald II. A “piefort” of Henry I of Navarre was published in 1901 (Procès-verbaux de la S.F.N., p. 13) with legend “HENRIQ REX” (Pl. 1c). In 1264 the Navarrese “sanchete” weighted 1.13 g. and had a silver percentage of 31.2% (Carrasco, 1990), also at this time the emissions of obols ended, due to their low value (García Arancón, 1985).  At the same time, the monarch received the “monedaje” with the aim of keeping the silver content of the coins (this didn’t mean that as it was required, coins with the same weight and richness were minted).            Apart from the “sanchetes” (popular name of the coins of the Champañese monarchs), the Navarrese documents mentions accountings in French “tournois” deniers, Castillian “burgaleses”, “jaqueses” of Aragon and “morlaneses” used in “Ultrapuertos”, deniers of Poitiers and Castillian gold maravedises.            Jeanne I’s coins (1274-1305) stuck to the same typology (Fig. 3; Pl. Id), but the obverse legend were modified: +IOhAnAREGInA, and in the reverse: +DEnAVARRA, also changing the position of the castle in the reverse, which is now horizontal. Jeanne I’s denier (type I-I) was described by Poey d’Avant (1858), and compiled by Heiss (1869). Lately this description has been incorporated to the late bibliography. Jeanne I’s obol (type I-I’) was published by Crusafont & Balaguer (1986). The finding made in the convent of Santa Teresa de San Sebastián appeared a obol of Joanna in very good condition, along with a money Sancho VI and other Theobald II (Guereñu et al., 2009).

Figure 3: Coins of Jeanne I, denier (a) and obol (b).

French coin as the official currency in the Navarrese kingdom.

            Jeanne I’s coins have a silver amount and weight slightly higher than Theobald’s ones (4% in silver percentage and 8% in weight), so if we compare them to Sancho VII’s coins they have an increase of the 17% in weight and the 5% in silver amount. Until the marriage of Jeanne I from Navarre and the French king Philip IV (1285-1314) in 1284, the Navarrese governors were designated by the king of France Philip III (1270-1285) and the payments were made with French currency (based on the “tournois” denier), and although at the beginning the equivalence was a “sanchete” denier (of Jeanne I) = 1.11 “tournois” deniers, in 1291 both coins were matched in value, this fact provoked several problems because the silver percentage of the French coins was lower (Ibáñez, 1994). Sometimes people had to be forced to accept the foreing currency, as it happened in 1306, when two Jewish of Andosilla were sentenced because they refused to accept the French king’s Philip IV coin, and in 1346 the “bourgoise” denier was accepting money bound, under monetary fines (Ibáñez, 1998).   This equalization of both currencies led to the treasuring of the ancient and good quality coin (the “sanchetes” of Theobald II and Jeanne I). There is evidence of some hoards of these coins; one of them, was found in some unspecified place in Navarre, the coins were sold several times at several numismatic stores in different cities, so after sometime we had access to it when some of the most interesting pieces had already been lost, among them one obol of Jeanne I, maybe the first coin of this type known. Three “tournois” deniers, one of Philip II (1180-1223), and two Louis IX’s (1226-1270), and also a “noven” of Alfonso X of Castillia appeared among the pieces studied (several of Theobald II and Jeanne I) which were basic to make an epigraphic study (Figure 4) (Ibáñez et al., 1991).

Figure 4: Hoard of coins of Theobald II and Jeanne I, with some French and Castilian coins, and the first known document where the characteristics of the Navarre currency are indicated (Theobald II, May 31, 1264).

        From then onwards (about 1291) and during the reigns of Louis X of France (1314-1316) and I’s of Navarre (1305-1316), Philip V of France and I’s of Navarre (1316-1322), and CharlesIV of France and I’s of Navarre (1322-1328), as well as during the reing of Jeanne II and Philip d’Evreux, the official Navarrese currency was the French one, which was based on the “tournois” denier, but with several multiples in billon, silver and gold (as a consequence of the monetary changes occurred in France during Philip IV’s reign: little gold real, gold denier, gold chair, gold florin, gold mantelet, gold mutton, “tournois” groat, tournois denier and obol, white maille, third maille, double denier, Parisien denier and obol, hard burgoise denier, weak and obol bourgoise) (Figure 5).

Figure 5: French coins of Louis X of France and I’s of Navarre (a); Philip V of France and I’s of Navarre (b) and CharlesIV of France and I’s of Navarre (c).

            The lack of autochthonous currency at this epoch, favours the French issues, and  the Castillian ones in Navarre, as it occurred in the founding of Urdiain (Matéu y Llopis, 1973; Ibáñez, 1998): two tournois deniers, one of Louis IX and the other of Philip III or IV (1270-1314), as well as two Castillian deniers of Alfonso X and Fernando IV. The monetary discovery of Oyarzun (Guereñu et al., 1996; Ibáñez & Guereñu, 1996; Ibáñez et al., 1997) (near Navarre) shows one denier and three tournois obols of Philip III and a white maille of Charles IV. Also in San Adrian tunnel (García Retes, 1987) were found three tournois obols of Philip III and in the medieval fortress of  Mendikute in Guipuzcoa (Padilla, 1996) one tournois denier of Louis IX and one denier and one burgoise obol of Philip IV. Among the collection of medieval coins found in the cathedral of Ciudad Rodrigo (Salamanca), there were one Theobald II denier, three tournois deniers of Louis IX of France and three tournois deniers, eleven tournois obols, and six bourgoise obols of Philip IV, which appeared somewhere in this area (Ibáñez, 1998).

Plate I.-
 t1 :Provins Coin of the Count Theobald II of Champagne (1102-1152); on the reverse a comb and above the letter "T" between two circles. t2: Provins currency of Theobald IV of Champagne (1201-1253) and I of Navarre (1234-1253). On the reverse, a castle with three towers on a comb.
a: Denier and obol of Theobald I of Navarre; b: Denier and obol of Theobald II of Navarre; c: Denier of Henry I of Navarre; d: Denier and obol of Jeanne I of Navarre.


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